Sunday, August 2, 2009


Learning to play the violin.


  1. Beautiful picture of a lovely violinist.
    Is it Suzuki method she is learning?
    I remember the two stickers on the bow from when my daughter started lessons in 1980. And now HER 5 year old son will be starting violin at school (in Australia).
    Nice to meet you, Bee-Bee. We will wait for photos from the first concert. :)
    Shalom from Jerusalem.

  2. Yes it is Suzuki. Thanks...and nice to meet you, too!

  3. She looks so determined! (And beautiful, of course, as always.)
    And see what happens when you blog? You meet nice folks from all over the world. I recently met (actually, not only virtually) a blog pal from Belgrade, and in September I'll meet one from India and another from France.
